Jazz Billboard met info over Jazz in Nederland en daarbuiten! Het Jazz Billboard is een uitgave van Jazzlinks Network en organisatoren van jazzconcerten en artiesten kunnen hun persinfo's sturen. Wij publiceren dit in de meeste gevallen!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Miss Belgium 'Virginie Claes' meets The Oakcity Jazzband
Did you see The Oakcity Jazzband in the Belgian TV één-show "De Rode Loper"? Virginie Claes, our "Miss Belgium" came to Maasmechelen Village, and we met her there! We changed our song "Rosie" into "Virginie" for this occasion, and that became the musictrack on television. We are waiting for digital images from photographers and the editorial staff of "De Rode Loper", but here we show some images taken from TV. Hubaer -of course- is very, very happy that he was on TV together with Virginie, so nice. Check our site for more: http://www.oakcity.be/